Kangaroo News

Since our last up date on Monday the Kangaroo tribe have continued to have a very busy week. Some of the highlights are outlined below.In Literacy the children have learnt to use colons as a way of introducing information into their non fiction writing. Bullet points are another writing tool they have been using successfully too. The main writing task this week was to produce an information sheet. Some children used themselves as the topic but had to write in third person instead of first whilst others were given the task of writing a news page for a fictional school website.On Friday we started our new unit of work on adventure stories. We talked about adjectives that describe adventures and the class came up with a great list including words such as mysterious, horrifying, surprising, amusing. We then looked at the wonderful story book Gorilla by Anthony Browne and identified the main features of this lovely adventure story. in readiness for their LIteracy lesson on Monday the children then worked by themselves to make lists of adjectives to describe the three main characters in the book.In Science most of the children returned their Hungry Kangaroo diaries, there are some beautifully presented books. Thanks for supporting the children to do these so well. Our learning about food continued with the class learning about the main food groups, their affect on the body and how many servings should be eaten every day to maintain a balanced diet.Maths saw the children developing their knowledge of 2D shape learning that a polygon is any flat shape with straight sides. They have also looked at the names and properties of 3D shape and a number of children said that they had learnt what vertices are and that there are 2 types of pyramids.In RE we had a discussion about the difference between religion and nationality.swimming saw the dare devil streak re appear in the children with them all jumping in at the deep end.With Mrs Caunce the children all thought about the colour yellow and wrote some sentences in preparation for our part in the harvest assembly. 














Here are some of the thoughts of some of the children this week

Leah : I enjoyed learning about 3 D Shapes

Sam: I have enjoyed learning about food

Lois: I enjoyed learning about another style in art

Caral: I am very proud of moving up to the deep end in swimming

Megan: I enjoyed going to choir for the first time

Connor: this week has been excellent, superb, fandabidosie

Jessica: I have really enjoyed working with all of my teachers



Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: senco@longton.lancs.sch.uk