Subject Policy


Physical Education Policy

How do we teach Physical Education (PE)?


At Longton Primary School, we aim to develop pupils who will be physically active and can flourish in a range of different physical activities.  The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • Are willing to practise skills in a range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance;
  • Have and maintain high levels physical fitness;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle which is achieved by eating sensibly, being aware of the dangers of drugs, smoking and alcohol and exercising regularly;
  • Are able to remain physically active for sustained periods of time and have an understanding of the importance of this in promoting long-term health and well-being;
  • Take the initiative and become excellent young leaders, organising and officiating, and evaluating what needs to be done to improve, and motivating and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others;
  • Employ imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography;
  • Are able to improve their own and others’ performance;
  • Can work independently for extended periods of time without the need for guidance or support;
  • Have a keen interest in PE - a willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in extracurricular sport;
  • Can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and know how to remain safe in and around water.


As part of this planning process, teachers plan the following:

A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth in the different subject areas.  A wide range of sports and activities are delivered from Reception to Year 6 enabling pupils to develop their knowledge and skills in physical education in a variety of different areas.

Class teachers deliver all of our physical education lessons.  We also invite other external sports coaches into school to work alongside teachers.  This ensures pupils are receiving high quality Physical Education in sport specific areas and also teachers are receiving CPD whilst the sessions are being delivered.  Examples of external sports coaches that work with us in school are from Cricket, Tennis, Football, Rugby and Dance.

Alongside our curriculum provision for PE we also provide all pupils with the opportunity to participate and become experts in at least 3 different sports.  These ‘clubs’ may be provided by our resident class teacher or external coach.  Pupils are consulted termly about which sports club they would like to be offered.  We are a “running school” and all teachers are trained as a running coach.  Children also become very skilled at cricket, tennis and crown green bowling.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in competitive sport during their time at Longton.  Upon joining the school each pupil is allocated a ‘Team’.  Each term the pupils compete in a variety of different sports to earn points for their team.  At the end of the school year pupils also compete in a competitive school games event.  Each pupil is given points to add to their team total with the winning team at the end of the year being crowned “CHAMPIONS!!!”  Team and Sport Captains are recruited from the Year 6 pupils each year.  These pupils form the School Sport Organising Crew and help to organise sporting events during the school year.

Longton also encourages pupils to apply their skills and knowledge in sports against other schools.  Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in team games against other schools.  Sports that we compete in during the academic year are football, hockey, cricket, dodgeball, tag-rugby, athletics, swimming and rounders.

Longton Primary School is part of the South Ribble School Sport Partnership.  This provides competitions for our pupils against other schools, CPD for staff and leadership opportunities for our pupils.  All pupils are encouraged to take part in at least 1 after school sports club and represent their school in at least 1 team event during the academic year.  Pupils can track their achievements on our school sport noticeboard located in school hall.


Our PE Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.  We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different physical activity areas and alike other subjects discreet vocabulary progression also form part of the units of work.

If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress.  In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes;
  • Pupil discussions about their learning;
  • Video analysis through recordings of performance in lessons.
  • The annual tracking of standards across the curriculum.

The impact of our PE curriculum is also measured in the uptake of our sports after school clubs and participation in inter school sports competitions.  Each year we aim for 85% of pupils to have attended a sports club or competed against another school in a sport.  Participation levels are tracked and shared with the PE governor.

External measures are also used to measure the impact of our PE curriculum.  Each year we apply for the School Games Award.  This recognises high quality provision in school with either a bronze, silver or gold award.  We regularly achieve the Gold Award for our high-quality physical education and school sport.



Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: