Wellie Walk Wednesday!

Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 9:30pm

This week the children welcomed a new penguin into their class. They have been friendly and kind and have enjoyed helping our new penguin feel part of the family!

We have been busy with our phonics this week. A huge thank you for your support. The penguins are enjoying spotting their new sound each day and they are very proud in class of the new words we read each day. Please continue to read and revisit the phonics wallet each day. 

We have been working on taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, heavy and light this week. The children have been human balances, have experimented with different scales and had to work out what size of paper they needed to wrap the gifts at the wrapping station. I have been very impressed with their wrapping up skills, however we have gone through a lot of sticky tape!

Tomorrow is our library visit. We are very excited. As the weather is quite unpredictable at the moment please send your child to school with a coat. If it is very wet the penguins can wear their wellies on the walk.

Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: senco@longton.lancs.sch.uk