SEND and Inclusion
Welcome to our SEN homepage and team.
Mrs Catterall is the SENDCO, Mrs Regan is the Assistant SENDCO and Mrs Jackson is the Relax Kids Coordinator. We have a SEN Governor, Mr Graham Gooch.
At Longton Primary, we believe that every child has the right to an education that allows them to reach their full potential. We recognise that each child has individual and unique needs, and some may require more support than others. A child is considered to have special educational needs if they require additional or different provisions compared to what is usually offered to children of the same age in the school. To assist these children, we identify their needs and plan accordingly.
The Headteacher, staff, and governors of our school, in partnership with parents and children, are dedicated to including those with special educational needs. We aim to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum while also offering small group support or individual assistance for those with specific needs. All children will be valued, and we strive for each to experience success, confidence, and achievement, enabling them to reach their full potential. We involve parents, carers, and children in the planning and support at every stage of the pupil’s development.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator oversees the SEN system, guiding staff in creating Individual Learning Plans in partnership with children and parents to ensure effective support is provided. We maintain positive relationships with external agencies, utilising their resources for additional guidance, assessment, and support when needed.
We are committed to aiding parents in the provision for their children; however, if you ever have concerns regarding our arrangements, please contact the school and refer to our 'Listening to your concerns' document for handling complaints.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Schools in Lancashire share a similar approach to supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and are backed by the Local Authority to ensure all pupils, regardless of their needs, make the best possible progress. We strive to be as inclusive as possible, accommodating the needs of pupils with SEND at Longton Primary wherever feasible and desired by families. However, we acknowledge that some specialist provisions may better maximise life chances for certain children, and we are committed to going the extra mile for our SEND pupils.
Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s learning difficulties or SEND?
- Class Teacher/Assistant Teacher: Responsible for monitoring your child's progress, planning, and delivering any additional support, such as targeted work or tutoring, and informing the SENCO as necessary. They will also draft Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and share and review these with parents at least once a term.
- The SENCO: Coordinates support for children with SEND and develops the school’s SEND Policy to ensure a consistent, high-quality response to meet children's needs. They keep you informed about your child's support and progress and liaise with external professionals, maintaining the school’s SEND register and providing specialist support to school staff.
- Headteacher: Oversees all aspects of the school, including SEND support, delegating responsibilities to the SENCO team and class teachers while ensuring compliance with the SEND Policy.
- SEN Governor: Ensures necessary support is provided for all pupils with SEND.
Who can I contact outside of school to support my child with SEND?
For impartial information, advice, or support regarding your child’s SEND, you can contact the Cumbria SEND Information, Advice, and Support Service (SENDIASS), which offers a range of support for parents, carers, and young people, including preparation for meetings with the school or local authority. For more information on SENDIASS, please visit:
What types of support are available for children at Longton Primary?
- Quality First Teaching by class teachers who maintain high expectations and adapt teaching methods to engage all children fully, while ensuring specific strategies are in place to support individual learning needs. Children on the SEND register also have daily tailored tutor sessions to support their development.
How can I notify the school of my concerns regarding my child’s progress?
If your child is not making progress, the school will arrange a meeting to address your concerns, plan additional support, and discuss any referrals to external professionals.
How is extra support allocated, and how do children transition between support levels?
The school budget from Lancashire LA includes funds for supporting children with SEND, determined by the Headteacher in consultation with governors, based on identified needs. Ongoing reviews ensure that resources and training meet the requirements of all children needing extra support.
Who else provides services for children with SEND in this school?
The school employs various professionals directly, including a Relax Kids specialist, a behaviour consultant, a Confident Me coach, assistant teachers, a school counsellor, and an educational psychologist. Additional services provided centrally by the Local Authority include speech and language therapy, while health services like health visitors, school nurses, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy also contribute.
How are teachers supported to work with children with SEND?
The SENCO assists class teachers with planning for SEND children, and the school offers training for all staff on SEND topics such as ASD and speech and language difficulties. Individual staff participate in relevant external training, with specialists visiting to provide support and guidance.
How will teaching be adapted for my child with SEND?
Class teachers will modify lesson plans to meet the specific needs of all students, assisted by specially trained support staff where necessary. Resources and strategies will be tailored to support individual and group learning needs, with daily adjustments made as required.
How will your child's progress be measured in school?
Your child's progress is continuously monitored by their class teacher, with formal reviews every term. Assessments will vary depending on your child's year group and educational needs, ensuring accurate tracking of their development and progress against expected benchmarks.
What support is available to parents of children with SEND?
Regular communication with class teachers is encouraged, along with meetings with the SEN team to discuss progress and concerns. All information from outside professionals will be shared with parents, and IEPs will be reviewed collaboratively.
How is Longton accessible for children with SEND?
Our school premises are fully accessible to children with physical disabilities, and all equipment is available to all children regardless of their needs. After-school provisions and extracurricular activities are inclusive for pupils with SEND.
How will we support your child during transitions?
Recognising that transitions can be challenging, we ensure smooth changes when moving to a new school or class. This includes communication with the receiving school, sharing of records, and preparatory activities to support your child's understanding of the changes.
Where can I find information on the authority’s local offer?
For more details on Lancashire’s Local Offer, please click the link: