Most of our pupils start their school journey with us aged 4. This is not always the case and some having already started their school journey at another school before moving to Longton. It is a very exciting time with lots of new things to consider.
At Longton Primary School, we provide a thorough induction process for pre-school children who will be joining our school, as we value the happiness and confidence of both parents and children in this new chapter of school life. We have open days for prospective parents to explore the school, but we invite you to schedule a visit any day by calling the office. For children transferring from another school, we offer meetings with the headteacher, guided tours with current pupils, and a taster day. Pre-schoolers can join our weekly sessions from Easter, where they and their parents can start building important connections with the school, enjoying a variety of activities that help them become familiar with staff and their peers. Additionally, class teachers visit local nurseries during the summer term to engage with nursery staff and gain insights into the children's interests and independence. Home visits by the class and assistant teachers allow staff to observe children in their own surroundings and strengthen relationships with new parents, who can discuss any concerns in a relaxed environment. In the summer term, children have two afternoon visits to school with their parents, helping them acclimatise to their classroom and surroundings, while parents meet fellow new families and enjoy school performances. In September, children start full-time, and we hold a new parents' evening, providing information packs and “All About Me” books for children to share in September. At the start of school, each child is paired with a Year 5 buddy who helps them adjust in their first weeks, offering support during lunchtime and participating in various planned activities throughout the year, giving younger children reassurance and care from older pupils.

Please see below for details of our open days which will take place in the 2024 Autumn term.
Dates for 2024 are:
Thursday 26th September, 10:20am & 1:15pm
Monday 28th October, 10.20am & 1.15pm
Thursday 21st November, 10.20am &1.15pm
Please complete this sign up form to register for one of the tours.
If you have any issues, please contact the school office.
A virtual tour of the School can be found here.
Applying for a reception,
Age 4, school place through Lancashire County Council. To get started and find out more follow the link:
Admission Criteria link:
Uniform Stockiest link: