Year 6: The Meerkats: Blog items

Sports Day 2024, by Mr Pearson

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 9:42am

A successful Sports Day took place on Tuesday, teamwork and fun was had by all.
Blue team 5 were the overall team winners and Blue team was the overall winners of the event.
Congratulations to all of the children that took part and a huge thanks to the support from all of the parents and relatives that attended. 

Apple picking, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 5:33pm

Thank you Eco team and Mrs Jackson who stayed behind after school to help pick the apples and pears. There are a lot bring a bag and help yourself after school tomorrow by the tuck shop, donations welcome!

Treat Week, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 9:53pm

Another week of fun and making lasting memories.

The week began with an Italian feast on Monday. Tuesday saw the children having fun at Leyland Leisure Centre taking part in a fun swim session. Wednesday involved a walk totalling around 2.5 miles to Hickory's in Hutton to fill ourselves with popcorn, milkshakes and pancakes. The children had so much fun, laughter filled the air when they took part in the whipped cream challange. It was hillarious and very, very messy. This afternoon was the traditional Year 6 water fight which resulted in more fun, laughter and very wet Meerkats. 

Stratford Upon Avon, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 10:38am

Here are the photographs from our amazing residential. I hope they bring back lots of memories as you share them with your families. 

Dance From the Heart, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 11:37am

The Meerkats have taken part in their last Dance from the Heart event and had a thoroughly fantastic time dancing and singing thier hearts out. This years theme was celebrating 100 years of Disney.


Hickory's Brunch for lucky readers!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 2:44pm

Big well done to all the children who attended Hickory's brunch today! The children won this lovely rewards from being in the lucky draw for reading every day. A big thank you to Hickorys Hutton for looking after us.

Artistic Meerkats, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 4:07pm

Year 6 have been showing off their art skills during Arts Week.

Beautiful work has been produced using a variety of media and techniques. All of the work has been linked to aspects of our curriculum: British Values, Global Warming, the circulatory system and the architecture of Ancient Greece and the Romans. 

Mad Science Assembly, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th May 2023 @ 1:32pm

We enjoyed a visit from Mad Science.  The assembly was full of excitement, fascinating facts and lots of wow moments.


Congratulations, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 4:29pm

Congratulations Year 6 for passing your level 2 Bike ability. You really impressed your instructors.


Use your knowledge to stay safe on the roads and remeber to wear your helmets!

Hickory's Brunch, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 9:12pm

Today 10 children from Year 2 to Year 6 had an amazing time at Hickory's. The group all earned the reward by reading every day. Names were drawn in each class from a lucky dip of all the children who have read every day . The children had an amazing time, making milkshakes, eating popcorn and pancakes. They also spent some time in the cinema, read their books, chatted, laughed and had fun.

Will you be in the next group of children who go for brunch? Read every day each week and yoyr name will get entered into the draw. 

Class Compliment Treat, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 27th Mar 2023 @ 4:26pm

This afternoon the Meerkats made their way along to the park for their well-earned class compliment treat. Great fun ws had playing on the equipment, playing cricket and football.


Working Hard!, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 3:21pm

The Meerkats continue to shine as they continue to work hard in all subjects. 

This week they have been busy creating the 3D bases for their steady hand electric circuit games which they will complete next week.The waistcoats are all finally finished, the last stitch beng sewn this morning. Watch out for the photos next week. 

On Monday we will be enjoying our class compliment treat with a visit to the park with a foody snack treat. 


Red Nose Day, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm

Congratulations to our Red Nose Day competition winners.

Their positive character trait Mr Men/Little Miss characters were put on a t.shirt for them to wear with pride.

Thank you to everyone who entered.  Certificates are on there way to each of you. 

Busy Week, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 3:36pm

It has been a busy week in Year 6. The children have been working hard in all subjects.

They had a good time on Monday in Science conducting their own fair test investigations. In maths they have become proficient in caluculating the area of rectlinear shapes, triangles and parallelograms . The waistcoats they have been working on are almost finished- watch out for photos next week, they look great. 


Science Explorers, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:22pm

At lunchtime 31 children and 4 adults left school and headed by coach to Widnes. The reason for the trip was for a group of science explorers made up of scientists from Years 3,4,5,6 to visit the Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre in Widnes. Jacob one of our Year 6 Science Ambassadors has been working hard to organise the trip and he did a great job making the booking, checking us in and leading us on and off the coach.

On arrival at the centre we dropped our bags off and went to explore the museum. The first gallery visited was an interactive one where everyne had an enormous amount of fun learning through practical hands on science. At half past two we did a soap making worksop where we learnt about the history of soap and the chemisrty involved in making the product. The best bit was getting to make soap, colour it and add a fragrance. The finished products looked great and smelt fantastic.

Next we had a look at the other galleries, including the observation gallery on the top floor- more about that one later.

Fresh air was then needed so outside we went to spend some time on the playground and zipwire. After a while it started to get cold so we headed back inside the museum. However instead of getting ready to head back to Longton we headed to the cafe for our tea. Following a feast we went to collect our bags and started the long climb to the top floor where the observation gallery was to become our bedroom for the night. The views from the room were spectacular, especially as the lights came on across Widnes and on the bridges spanning the Mersey. It was made even better by the fact that it as a clear night and a full moon.

Once sleep areas had been set up , pyjamas were popped on and we settled down to watch a movie accompanied by a range of snacks.

Following a good sleep the scientists were all up and ready for action this morning. Breakfast of cereal and toast was enjoyed before an amazing workshop in the theatre about the universe, infra red light, magnetism and many other things.

The next part of the adventure took us outside to see the sapling presented to the museum in January which has grown from a seed from Isac Newtons tree. The seed had been to space with British astronaut Tim Peake.

Once back insode the children headed back into the interactive gallery to further enjoy the science on offer.

The trip was a huge success, the children were fantastic ambassadors for the school and all had a wonderful time. Memories for life have definitely been created and we all thank Jacob for organising this wonderful opportunity . 


NSPCC Workshop, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:03pm

On Monday afternoon we welcomed Anne from the NSPCC into our classroom. We learnt about the work of the NSPCCC and Childline. 

World Book Day 2023, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 8:02am

The Meerkats have had a great day celebrating World Book Day.

Our day started with visit to the library. Helen the librarian read the class a poem called Twas the  Night Before World Book Day which was a re write of the famous Christmas poem Twas the Night Before Christmas - we all enjoyed it. Next the class learnt about the sevices Longton Library and Lancashir Library services offer. Great fun was then had as the children, in teams of four, took part in a book themed scavenger challenge. Book mark making was next and then with new character badges we wandered happily back to school.

The whole school assembly follwed where we thiught about the joy of reading before a much deserved late playtime.

Back in class the children created mini Where's Wally scenes and then wrote postcards to describe the setting without actually naming it.

Art was next where the children ahave created unique Where's Wally pictures using their interests and hidden a Wally in them. They will look stunning when we put them on display.

Thank you mums and dads for the costumes the whole class looked great. 

Investigating the affect of voltage on the brightness of bulbs, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 2:01pm

The Meerkats are busy investigating the affect voltage has on the brightness of bulbs. They are making a variety of circuits which include varying numbers of componenets from 1 bulb, 2 wires and 1 battery up to 3 bulbs, 6 wires and 3 batteries.

Trait of the week, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 11:28am

Each week the pupil's of Longton Primary School will discuss a positive quality or characteristic trait.

Please share as a family.  


Week beginning 16th Jan


Trait 1: Be honest. Don’t lie. Be a person people can depend upon. Think of the people we admire in books, movies and real life. Don’t they act with honesty and integrity? Aren’t they generous with others? Doesn’t everyone look up to them?

Amazing DT, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 4th Jan 2023 @ 8:58pm

After many hours planning and building the children have completed theuir DT task to design and build a playground. There are some amazing structures showing great design and build skills. Well done Meerkats. 

Christmas Fun, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 8:41pm

The Meerkats have been having a lot of Christmas fun over the last couple of days. It was lovely to see so many of the tribe join us for Breakfast with Santa.

This afternoon the Christmas Party was great fun. Smiling faces all round and spectacular dance moves from so many Meerkats who have been hididng their talents ! 

Christmas is coming, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 2:59pm

It has certainly begun to feel very Christmassy this week. The classroom tree is up and  the advent calendar is being emptied. A large number of the  class enjoyed their Christmas dinner on Wednesday.

The highlight of he week was the trip to Bolton to see the panto. The Meerkats all had fun joining in with the shouting, singing and dancing. 

Learning has continued with us finishing off our work on Shakespeare and fractions in English and maths. 

Lots more Christmas activities to look forward to next week with our party, breakfast with Santa, the carol service and card and calendar making. Oh and ofcourse lots of learning in all of our other subjects too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Shakespeare continues to impress, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 9:40pm

Enthusiasm for the works of Mr Shakespeare continue to go down well with the children. Great fun has been had this week looking at words we use today that first appeared in Shakespeares plays. Idioms, figurative speech has also proved to be lots of fun.

In maths the children are getting to grips with fractions- they have worked so hard this term, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. Knowing theur multiplication tables has really helped. 

DT work saw glue guns and lollipop sticks being used this afternoon as the class started to build elements of their mini play grounds. 

Christmas has also arrived as we have started to learn somngs forr the carol service.

Thinking ahead we have also started to learn the songs for our end of yeear show !



Special Visitors, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 8:34pm

Well it is only Wednesday and already we have welcomed three different groups of visitors to our classroom.

On Monday a fire officer called Matt from Penwortham Fire Station visited and spoke to us about fire safety and keping safe on the roads. The message for road safety really streesed the need for reflective strips on dark coats and the importance of wearing cycle helmets. 

On Tuesday we welcomed some of our lovely parents into class to see hiw we do guided reading and how we bring books to life in our English lessons.

Today we had 2 visitors Mrs Whyman and Mrs Wilson who are both magistrates. They spoke to us about so many things such as the difference between the magistarates court and the crown court, how people become magistrates, sentencing, types of crime, the importance of being good citizens and staying out of trouble, e-safety and so much more. We took part in a mock trial where some children took on roles. The trial was about cyber bulying which we now know is classed as the crime of harrassment.

Having listened to all of the evidence the children worked in groups to decide whether the defendant was guilty or not. The overwhelming majority verdict was that she was indeed guilty. Once the children had learnt more about sentencing they had to then discuss which type of sentence she would receive.

The mornin finished with the ladies sharing funny stories of cases they had been involved in.

It was truly a wonderful morning and we all learnt alot and some of the class are now interested in careers in law.

Our next visitor will be a professional journalist who is going to help us to write newspaper stories. Watch this space for the results. 


Shakespeare is a hit!, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 3:13pm

Year 6 have started a new unit in English looking at the work of William Shakespeare and they are absolutely loving it! So far they have looked at the story of Romeo and Juliet and learnt about William's life. I n drama the children are working on MacBeth and had a lot of fun creating fight scenes with props. 

Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: