Newsletter September 2012




                WELCOME BACK- NEWSLETTER 1


It is great to have all our children back in school safe and well.  We hope you have all had a great summer break and have managed to spend valuable time together as a family.  The new term now stretches before us with that particular mix of challenge and anticipation which is the hallmark of the start of a new academic year. Shoes are shiny, hopes are high, and so much needs to be achieved before Christmas. It is a term I particularly enjoy. Onwards and upwards!


I will apologise now for what seems like a barrage of information; however, it is intended to help you out:


PrestonGuild Procession


The children enjoyed the Guild Procession today.  We had children, parents, grandparents, members of staff, ex-members of staff, Governors, friends of the school and ex pupils, showing that we truly work as a community.

 The Morris Dancers, I am sure, now have sore feet as they danced through the streets of Preston for approximately 2 hours.  As expected we all had a great time and our children’s behaviour was exceptional -even though they entered the carnival spirit not one crossed the line.  Longton community truly shines.


Meet theTeacher


On Wednesday 19th September we would like to invite parents to school to meet with your child’s class teacher.  This is a meeting when the teacher addresses all parents together on housekeeping matters e.g. reading book days, classroom routine, teaching styles.  In the past we have tried different ways of making the times of the meetings successful, hopefully this year we have got it right.


The meetings take place in your child’s classroom at the following times:

3.30 – The Dragons – Mr Orritt

3.50 – The Bears– Mrs Robinson/Mrs Ainsworth

4.10 – The Hippos – Mrs Fletcher

4.30 – The Lions – Mr Coxhead/Mrs Barker

4.50 – The Kangaroos–Mr Pearson/Mrs Caunce

5.10 – The Crocodiles – Mrs Moxham

5.30 – The Tigers – Mrs Pratten


School Times

School starts at 8.50 each day and closes at 3.15. In the mornings, we ask that parents stay with all our EYFS and KS1 children on the playground until the children are collected by the class teacher.  The doors will open at 8.40 for KS2 children to come in and sort themselves out and get ready for the start of the school day.  This is an unsupervised time.  Children should not arrive at school earlier than 8.40.  If children are late they should access school via the main entrance and will be added to the late book, this information is added to the child’s end of school report.  If children are late on a regular basis, a meeting with the headteacher and the child’s parents will be arranged.

We ask that all KS2 parents wait to collect children at the end of the day at the front of school and Year 1 and EYFS parents on the relevant playground. However, from 12th September we will be having improvements made to the Reception playground and this will be closed until works are completed.  All KS1 children should wait on the main playground (the one with the ballcage) until the teacher collects them. At the end of day they should also be collected from this playground.

People should enter and leave the school premises via the pedestrian gates and not the car park gates. This is for vehicle access only.


School Calendar

We have once again created a calendar highlighting events that have been arranged for this academic year. These will be sent out this week. If you do not receive a copy please collect from the school office.  Fingers crossed we have got the dates correct this year! This will also be on our website.







One Way

For the safety of pedestrians and for motorists’ sanity we would like to ask people to continue using the one way system on School Lane.  We thank all of you for often going out of your way to make this system successful.  It really has helped ‘stress’ levels of drivers at school time and improves the level of safety for our children.  Just to remind people of the system, Cars access the road via the church end of school lane.  They then continue down school lane until the end or turn into Bank Croft.  This system is in operation at the start and end of each school day.  If cars come via the Bank Croft side of School Lane we ask that you park before Bank Croft and walk the rest of the way.  It has been noted that some parents choose not to use the system.  We ask that you consider the safety of the children at the busy times and ask that you start to use it.  The one way system can sometimes actually save time and I really would not want to go back to cars battling their way through, not good memories.  The one way system will only work through your continued efforts and for this we thank you.  If you require further information regarding this matter please ask at the school office. 


Walking Bus

The walking bus starts from Booths every school day at 8.30.  Last year this proved to be a great way to start the day.  Please ask if you would like more information. Also, if you can assist on the walk we would be more than grateful.


The Association (previously know as PTFA)

The Association has gone from strength to strength over recent years and has become a pleasing social event as well as a fundraising unit.  You are all more than welcome to join us. The AGM will be held on Thursday 26th September at 6.30, please join us to find out all the gossip.


Outline plans

At the start of each term teachers produce an outline plan of learning for the class.  This is a particularly good way of helping you have an insight in to your child’s learning, along with the class blogs which can be accessed at .  We also have our ever open door policy, which means that if you wish to meet with the class teacher or just pop in and look at your child’s books etc. then you can.  It is vitally important that learning opportunities start promptly so we ask that meetings do not take place at the start of the day.


Unavoidable School Closure Procedure

Not wanting to jinx the future but in the event of an unavoidable school closure, due to severe weather or other extreme occurrences parents will be contacted by text/email via parentmail. I will also attempt to post a message on our school twitter which can be easily viewed on the school website if you have not started to follow us.  A message would be announced on local radio stations, Radio Lancashire and Rock FM.



When sending money into school, please, please, make sure it is in a named envelope, and state what the money is for, and ask your child to hand the envelope to the child's teacher. Alternatively, please use the post box at the main entrance. This eases the queue at the main entrance.


Absence From School

Please do not be tempted to take a holiday in school time.  A child on holiday for 2 weeks during term time will miss 50 one hour lessons. Some never catch up and it is therefore not a ‘cheap’ holiday. If you need to make a request for your child to be absent please collect the relevant form from the school office.  We can now, for exceptional circumstances only, mark these absences as authorised but most will be recorded as unauthorised and are added to your child’s school profile and logged with the local authority.  


If your child is absent from school due to illness please remember to contact the office by e-mail or phone on the first day of absence.  If we do not hear from you the absence is recorded as unauthorised. 


Please let us know if your child walks to school on their own.  If they are not in school for registration and we have not heard from you by nine to explain the absence we will contact you to check where your child is.


100% attendance certificates for the first half term will be awarded in December.  At the end of the school year children with 100% attendance will go in to a prize draw. Alex Hargreaves and Hugo Raine received a chosen gift from the very prestigious Argos catalogue for 100% attendance in 2012/13.





Appointments During The School Day


If your child is required to attend the doctors, dentist or hospital during the school day then parents MUST collect their child from the school office and inform Linda. The same procedure applies if your child arrives late after attending an appointment - the adult dropping the child off MUST speak with an adult.  Children must not leave or enter school without you informing the office what is happening.  Ideally, these appointments should be made out of school hours.



Parent Helpers.


We really want all children to achieve and intend to use a variety of approaches.  If you could offer time to support the children in school please drop your details off at the office – name and times you can help.

If you can support in other areas please inform us.  We will be holding a Travelling Book Fair5th – 11th October, and as in previous years we rely heavily on parents’ help. Please see Linda in the office if you can assist with this. We would require help from 3.00pm- 4.00pm on these days.



It is great to see all the children looking so smart in their school uniform.  We still have a large amount of lost property left in school, there must be hundreds of pounds worth.  Please come in and try to reclaim missing items. 

Visitors often comment about our uniform because the children look so smart wearing it.  We believe a smart appearance aids a smart mind. Our school uniform can be purchased from the Delta Wool Shop in New Longton. 

Our school colour is navy blue and red.

Red polo shirt

Navy blue cardigan/sweatshirt with embroidered school logo.

Girls often choose to wear red and white dresses in summer with white socks.

Grey skirt/trousers/shorts

Black sensible shoes (Not boots or trainers) and grey socks/tights


PE KIT  Navy shorts, team coloured   T-Shirt, elasticated pumps.  The kits should be in a named pump bag on your child’s coat hook.  Older children may need trainers or football boots.  They will be informed when this is necessary.

We have a school book bag.  Rucksacks can not be used because of the amount of storage space we have.

There should be no extremes of hairstyles for example shaved hair, gel in hair or braided hair. We also request that long hair is tied back for boys and girls if the hair touches the shoulders or is longer.  Hair accessories should be red or blue and should be limited in use.  School polo shirts must always be worn tucked in.

Plain Gold or silver stud earringsmay be worn but children must be able to remove them for PE.  If children wear earrings they are the child’s responsibility.



For younger children it is a good idea to sew a larger loop on the collar of coats.  This really assists them when trying to hang them up.



Self Improvement

It is no secret that we want to be the absolute best school ever.  We strive to achieve this and are always self improving, however, we can only do this with your help.  Therefore, if you like something we do please let us know, likewise, if you don’t like something we do or if something niggles you please also let us know.  If we don’t know about it we can’t consider improving in that area.  If it is important to you I am sure it will be important to us. 



Thank You

We would all like to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude for the gifts that we received at the end of last term.  Although it is not expected we are very grateful for these gestures of thanks and appreciation.









School Places for September 2013

Does your child’s 4th birthday fall between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013? If so, then now is the time to start considering a place in a Reception class for September 2013. Although the admission booklets are not yet available, you can apply on line from 3rd September 2012.  You might like to consider coming to look round school prior to submitting your application. In which case, please contact the school office and we will be happy to meet with any prospective parents over the next few months. We don’t have one special date when we open up the school to new parent - just give us a call and we will set a mutually convenient date and time. At the same time, if you have any friends or neighbours who are interested in a place and do not currently have children here, they are very welcome to visit the school to find out more about what we have to offer.  The full admission criteria can be found on our school website.


This week Year 6 will be bringing home a booklet from Lancashire County Council regarding Secondary School admisions in Lancashire. Within the brochure, it contains details of how to apply whether using the form provided or on line on for a secondary school place for pupils starting September 2013. Applications must be completed prior to 31st October 2012 and within this time there will be opportunity to visit the High schools on an open evening. These are imminent; please check local press for dates. It is advisable for Year 5 and Year 6 children to attend these evenings.


School Meals


 School meals can be purchased at the cost of £2.10 per meal.  Children do not have to have a school meal for the full week.  Please make sure that the office is aware of the days so that we can order the correct amount of food.  The majority of children now have a hot school meal and almost all opt for a Friday Favorites.  This is a testament for Shirley and her team’s superb cooking skills.   All cheques should be made payable toLCC District 7. You will be receiving dinner money statements within the next week. However, if you want to pay in the meantime, there are 38 days in this half term and 7 Fridays, if your child just has Friday Favourites.

Shirley also sells toast, crumpets and fruit loaf every morning break for 20p per slice. Reception, Years 1 & 2 should pay the class teacher in advance. Years 3-6 are responsible for buying their own toast.


Harvest Lunch


Shirley is preparing a Harvest Lunch on Wednesday 24th October. The menu is attached. If your child would not normally have a lunch on this day, and they would like to have this, please let Linda in the office know. The cost is the usual £2.10.



There are so many organisations offering vouchers/tokens for schools.  Just to prevent any uncertainty, we collect them all.  Please send them to school with your child.



Head Lice

I am grateful to the parents who have informed me that they have found head lice in their children’s hair and would appreciate it if parents continue to inform school so that the situation can be monitored effectively. Unfortunately, this problem does occur in schools from time to time and is not easy to eradicate unless all parents are vigilant.

 Your child will be bringing home a Head Lice comb, supplied by Facer’s chemist. I would be grateful if all parents would check their children’s hair tonight and take the appropriate action. Free advice and treatment can be obtained from the Chemist under the ‘Minor Ailments Scheme’, and help can always be sought from the School Nurse at Penwortham Health Centre. It would also be advisable for long hair to be tied back

It might be prudent to check your child’s hair at least every week, (conditioner and a fine tooth comb can work as well as any treatment).

It will make a huge difference to the children because they find it difficult to concentrate on their learning if they have head lice.

Thank you for your co-operation.








It is great that more and more people seem to be walking to school.  However, we must remind you that dogs must not be brought on to school premises.  If you are walking to school with a dog please can we ask that you walk on the path adjacent to school and do not cross over to the school gates?  We thank you for your anticipated cooperation.



If your child brings a cycle or scooter to school, they can continue to store them within the school day in the bike store within school grounds. However, we would ask that your child brings a bike lock in order to secure their bikes during the day. Your child needs to be able to secure the bike using the lock independently.


Bikes must not be left in the bike store or on school premises over night as we do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that could occur as a result.



Makeover Bid

As you may be aware we were shortlisted to win a school makeover, courtesy of fit-out specialist Styles & Wood. We were one of three schools shortlisted with a video bid that aimed to create a cooking environment for all the pupils to use. We were very pleased to be shortlisted in the competition and enjoyed welcoming Styles & Wood to our school . Our excellent cooking club members demonstrated that Longton would really benefit from their services in creating a home from home cooking environment where children can be creative and enjoy learning life skills that they could share with their family at home. They were impressed by our pupils passion for cooking and ability to explain how much they would enjoy using it.

However, we have been recently informed that we were not the winner, which of course is very disappointing, but we are still proud of what the children were trying to achieve. If anyone can help us further in this venture ...perhaps kitchen units, work surfaces, appliances we would love to hear from you. We may then be able to invite you to join our cooking class for a drink and a home made cake!



Parents can follow us on twitter but it is important to note that we only use this as a messaging system to get news to parents quickly and for free. We don’t use twitter in the fullest sense to have two way conversation or answer questions. The best way to find out information is to look on the school website, come to, phone the school office, or speak with the class teacher.


After School Clubs

There are various clubs held in and after school. I will send out an up to date list in the next couple of weeks. Your child will have brought home 2 flyers this week, one from Teamtheme, to be held on Friday after school, and one from PNE to be held on Tuesdays after school. Mrs Pratten has also given out letters to the KS2 children re Tag Rugby which is also held on Tuesdays after school. If you would like any further details about these or any other activities, please see Linda in the office.


Contact Details

If your contact details have changed over summer please inform the school office immediately. 




Almost THE END- I apologise for the length and the amount it seems to jump around.  I also apologise for that piece of information you really wanted to know and I have not put it on.  If you do need any information please do not hesitate to contact us.  The children have made a great, settled start to the year.  Let’s hope this is a sign of things to come.


Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: