PTFA Annual General Meeting


Longton Association Annual General Meeting.

Thursday 20thSeptember at 6.30 Main School Hall.


We are very fortunate at Longton Primary School to have a thriving Association that has been an integral part of the school community for many years. All parents, their families and all teachers are automatically members of the Association.

Its stated aims are:

  • To support the education of the children via fundraising and other activities
  • To foster more extended relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school.




Association Fund Raising:

Total raised to date



£35 ,000




Funds pledged so far in 2011-12:


Computers - £10,000

Children’s Gifts - £300

Subsidised Trips - £200


The Longton Primary Association provides the children with some luxury extra items and activities requested by the staff and pupils and suggestions by parents.  In the past years, the money the Association has raised has been put towards a variety of vital purchases such as new books, sports and science equipment, interactive white boards, data projectors for the assembly hall, equipment for the 'outdoor classrooms', playground and building enhancements and activities for children to use during wet playtimes

Over the past twelve months the Association shopping list was as diverse as ever but the Association has again achieved its aim of providing the children of Longton with 'that extra something' to help make their days more fulfilling and exciting, thereby helping them to learn and develop, not just academically but physically and spiritually. The support from Longton Primary, parents and pupils is invaluable and the Association thanks everyone who has contributed to its success over the last academic year.

Becoming More Involved

Although every parent automatically becomes a member of the Association when their child starts at Longton Primary, some wish to get more involved. This would mean becoming a member of the Committee.  Members can support the Association by helping on a stall, setting up and attending events.  Committee members meet to plan, lead and organise events.  The Committee meets at least once a term, all dates are on the school website. This is organised by the parents. A number of school staff also serve on the Committee.

Election onto the Committee takes place at the AGM on Thursday 20thSeptember, if places are available. This AGM is held within the school hall at 6.30. The Committee is limited to a membership of 18 with representation from parents from each part of school. A waiting list system operates when the Committee is at capacity.

Becoming a member of the Committee is a serious responsibility but it is also a lot of fun! For further information on how to join the Committee, please contact Chairperson, Mrs Helen Thompson and/or Mrs Donna Booth at ptfa@longton.lancs.sch.ukor via our school office.  If you would like to become a committee member but are unable to make the AGM please get in touch with Helen or Donna and let them know of your intentions.

A Guide to Who's Who

Helen Thompson and Donna Booth - Chairperson
Vacant- Vice Chairperson
Claire Banks - Treasurer
Vacant - Secretary
Vacant- Press & Publicity                                                                                       Vacant – A few spaces for non-specific committee members.

The Association would like to thank you all for your continued support and commitment to bettering the experiences for all our pupils.  We hope you will come along to the AGM and perhaps nominate yourself to become a committee member.

Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: