Elephant Update

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:11pm

The Elephants have had a very busy week, as usual. Lots of great work in English and maths. The children impressed Mrs Brown so much on Tuesday with their learning when she visited our English lesson that she awarded them 2 class compliments. 

In Geography this week the class have been learning about Greenwich Meant time and how this relates to lines of longitude particularly the Prime Meridian.

We have had 2 science lessons this wee, one a live BBC lesson the adaptation of sharks which was great and the other continuing our learning about famous scientists. This week the children did amazing jobs reseraching the life and work of Dr Daniel Hale Williams which they have presented in the form of biographies. 

In RE our learning was around Hajj the pilgrimage that Muslims aim to take part in once in a life time. 

Well done for being so wonderful Elephants , be ready to sew next week youve got waistcoats to make!