Welcome Back

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 2:35pm

Happy New Year .

On behalf of myself, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty I would like to thank you for all of the lovely gifts we received at Christmas.

Our week so far :


Morning task - phonics

Spelling adding cial and tial

Reading response - Alan Turing 

Geography - learning about longtitude and latitude

English - writing new endings for The Highwayman poem

PE - passing skills in hockey

Maths - metric measures 



Morning task

Spelling - look, say, cover, write, check

Reading  - Alexander Fleming

RE- The Five Pillars of Islam

Jigsaw - dreams and goals 

Maths - converting metric measures

English - research facts about a given Greek god or goddess




Morning Task

Spelling - speedy spell

 Reading response - Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace

Maths - calculating wit mteric measures

English - discussing our new text 

DT - preparing for our enterprise