
PSHE as a subject has been non-statutory alrhough it stated in the National Curriculum Framework 2014  section 2.5 “All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice”.

In July 2019 the government made Relationship, Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Education compulsory for all Primary Schools from September 2020. 

It is our statutory responsibility to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

At  Longton Primary School PSHE  is integral to our whole curriculum in ensuring all children are happy, safe and confident so to maximise their learning potential and be equipped with the skills to succeed in the wider world.

The PSHE Curriculum that we will use is called 'Jigsaw'. The development of PSHE was a key focus for school during 2017 - 2018.  

Please take a look at the the documents below for more information.

Teachers will also consider those concepts which are current and relevant for modern Britain and specific classes/pupils and incorporate these into daily practise. 

Throughout the year we enhance our curriculum with other activites which relate to specific days, weeks, world events.  E.g.  Anti-bullying week, Parliament week, first aid,  Charity work, community projects.


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Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: